10.0 Curriculum

Students must be able to identify, evaluate, and use curriculum
resources as applicable.  Students must also understand the terms and
goals of the NC Computer Skills Curriculum.

Reflection: As a teacher it will be my job to teach students how to use the technology provided for them in the schools as well as in their homes and the community.  I will need to be proficient in the skills that I am required to teach by the state of North Carolina and need to be able to teach the students so that they understand the terms and goals.

10.1 List the applicable Computer Skills Curriculum to identify what students should know and be able to do (within the content and grade level).

Evidence/Artifact: http://www.ncpublicschools.org/curriculum/computer.skills/index.html  This is a link to the North Carolina Department of Instruction.

Computer/Technology Skills Curriculum

Grades 3-5

Grade Level: 3


STRANDS: SI = Societal Issues; KU/WP/DTP = Keyboard Utilization/Word Processing/Desk Top Publishing; DB = Database; SS = Spreadsheet; T = Telecommunications; M/P = Multimedia/Presentation

Competency Goal 1 The learner will understand important issues of a technology-based society and will exhibit ethical behavior in the use of computer and other technologies.

1.1 Identify uses of technology in the community and how it has changed people's lives. (SI)

1.2 Recognize that the Copyright Law protects what a person, group, or company has created. (SI)

1.3 Recognize the benefits of word processing. (KU/WP/DTP)

1.4 Recognize how electronic databases are used in the community. (DB)

1.5 Identify telecommunications technologies used to locate information. (T)

Competency Goal 2 The learner will demonstrate knowledge and skills in the use of computer and other technologies.

2.1 Identify the technology tools used to collect, analyze, and display data. (SI)

2.2 Identify the physical components of a computer system as either input, output, or processing devices. (SI)

2.3 Demonstrate proper keyboarding techniques for upper and lower case letters. (KU/WP/DTP)

2.4 Retrieve and edit a word processed document. (KU/WP/DTP)

2.5 Recognize the differences between print and electronic databases. (DB)

2.6 Identify the parts of a spreadsheet. (SS)

2.7 Enter and edit data in a prepared spreadsheet and observe the results. (SS)

2.8 Create a multiple-outcome storyboard as a class activity. (M/P)

2.9 Identify the difference between linear and nonlinear multimedia presentations. (M/P)

2.10 Create a multimedia project as a group/class activity. (M/P)

2.11 Use telecommunications to locate community information as a group/class project. (T)

Competency Goal 3 The learner will use a variety of technologies to access, analyze, interpret, synthesize, apply, and communicate information.

3.1 Create, save, and print a word processed document. (KU/WP/DTP)

3.2 Locate and use information in electronic databases. (DB)

3.3 Use a prepared spreadsheet to enter and graph data as a group activity. (SS)

3.4 Evaluate the usefulness of information obtained using telecommunication technologies. (T)

Grade Level Focus Areas
  • Awareness of Copyright Law
  • Exploring information technologies
  • Building word processing techniques
  • Exploring spreadsheets

Reflection:  As a teacher in North Carolina it will be my responsibility to the students to teach everything that is required of me by the North Carolina State Department of Instruction.  The above text is an example of the information I will need to teach to my students, I will integrate these technology skills into my lesson plans each day to ensure that students are learning what is needed and required by the state of North Carolina.

10.2 List/Use school television resources that support the grade and content curriculum.

Evidence / Artifact:
http://www.pbs.org/journeytoplanetearth/education/agriculture.html - PBS is a good place to find videos for school, especially about science.  This link, for example, will take you to a summary about a video entitled "It All Starts With Soil."
http://www.publish.csiro.au/index.cfm?pid=3182 - This video is a 9 minute video about soil, entitled "The Living Soil." 

Reflection:  Using video and television resources to support a unit can be very helpful, it will give the students another view of the topic, instead of listening to the teacher talk and working on worksheets or reading out of the textbook they can see the topic, even if they can not physically touch it.  I feel that watching a video will also help gain the student's interest in the topic.  With my unit about soil, not many students will be interested because they think of it as just dirt, but I feel that if they see a video about soil and are able to see interesting things that happen within soil or because of soil, they will become interested and want to learn more.

10.3 Access resources (as available) for planning instruction available via telecommunications (e.g., experts, lesson plans, authentic data, curriculum materials).

Evidence / Artifact: 
http://paws.wcu.edu/tc19434/unitplan.html  This is a part of my website that was developed during my Computers in Education class in the spring of 2003. The section titled "Brains"  has examples of experts that I could contact about my unit about math and plants.
http://school.discovery.com/schooladventures/soil/  This is a link to "The Dirt on Soil" from Discovery.com, it has a lot of great ideas and lesson plans and other information that could be used to teach students about science. 

Reflection:  I believe that students need to realize that they can get a lot of information from the internet and other people about the topics that they are studying.  websites such as Discovery.com enhance what the students are learning and reinforce the ideas that have been taught.  I will be using these and other websites to teach my lessons so that the students will not only have the ideas reinforced but will also hopefully help keep the students interested in the units.

10.4 Locate, evaluate, and select appropriate teaching/learning resources and curriculum materials for the content and grade level, including computer based products, videotapes and discs, primary documents and artifacts, texts, reference books, literature and other print sources.


Barnes and Nobles Website: This website has been a lot of help finding books on soil that could be used for my unit plan on soil.
    Some of the books that I have found that could be helpful are:
                How to Dig a Hole to the Other Side of the World by Faith McNulty
                The Magic School Bus Inside the Earth by Joanna Cole
                Life is a Bucket of Soil by Alvin Silverstein
                Dirt by Steve Tomecek

http://paws.wcu.edu/tc19434/soil.html  This is a website that I developed with my Cooperating Teacher, Jason Dunford, at Appalachian State University this past summer.  We were there for a seminar with Appalachian Rural Teacher Technology Alliance (ARTTA).  We have included a few websites and games that can be used to reinforce my unit on soil. It also has lesson plans developed, most including technology. 

Reflection:  These resources will be invaluable during my unit because Barnes and Noble is a great place to find books that will be helpful.  The website that I developed will be a teaching tool.  It will be used to keep parents informed of what the students will be learning during the unit, and it will also be used to let the students know what is expected of them and give them things that they can do at home to reinforce what they are learning at home.

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