11.0 Subject Specific
must understand
and demonstrate proficiency in
building and
delivering technology enhanced curriculum that is content and grade
level specific.
Reflection: As a teacher in
North Carolina it will be my
responsibility to teach students about technology, not only what it
does but how to use it correctly. The students will be called
upon to use technology in all aspects of their lives. More and
more people are using computers in their everyday lives and there are
web sites and programs that are targeted at children as young as 2 or
3. It is my responsibility to teach students the correct way to
use technology, so I need to be proficient in all aspects of
technology. Using technology as a part of our day will also make
lessons more interesting for not only my students but also
myself. It will also teach the students that technology is
something that is easy for all of us to access and use.
List/Use technology
resources to facilitate curriculum
delivery where applicable and appropriate.
Evidence / Artifact:
- I try to use the overhead as little as possible. I do use
the overhead when I am demonstrating a concept to the class or when we
are going over the class work or homework. I plan on using the overhead
when needed, but I would like to be able to face the class and walk
around the room without having to rely on an overhead that is stuck in
one place.
- I have used Power Point to go over graphing lessons and
vocabulary lessons. I am also going to be using Power Point to allow
students to do the vocabulary for the soil unit that we will be doing
soon. The students will be responsible for one word each and will
be working in pairs to make a slide for each of their vocabulary words
and the definitions. When the students are finished I will
combine all of their slides into a presentation and use that during the
unit to go over vocabulary.
- Televisions and VCR's will be used to show videos that will
enhance the student's learning. The videos will also provide
information that the students will be responsible for.
- Another way I plan on using technology is to have the students
research soil in the computer lab and have the students discuss what
they have found on the web site that I have developed (http://paws.wcu.edu/tc19434/soil.html).
Reflection: I have learned
from my students, so far, that
they love using the computers and being able to see technology in
action. I hope that by using technology, especially the computer lab,
my students will be able to go deeper into a subject with more
understanding than they would if they were just reading the text and
listening to me lecture about soil.
List/Use media and
technology to present the subject so that
it is comprehensible to others.
Evidence / Artifact:
Soil can be very interesting, if the students
are able to see and touch the soil. It is, however, not always
possible for the students to touch the soil or have it in the room in
front of them so that they can see it. With technology I will be
able to bring soil into the room, even on rainy or cold days that I can
not go outside and get soil or bring the class outside. I plan on
using pictures of different types of soil on the computer to show
students the differences and similarities.
Reflection: Using
technology will help me to bring things
inside that are normally outside, or out of our reach. With the
internet I will be able to show students the soil in other areas of the
state, other states, or even other countries. The use of video will
also help me teach students about soil without having to physically
bring an expert on soil into the classroom.
List/Use technology based
tools that are specific to the
content and grade level and that facilitate teaching strategies as
available and appropriate.
Evidence / Artifact:
This web site was developed at Appalachian State University during the
ARTTA seminar this summer. It will be used to enhance my unit on
soil this semester.
This web site was developed during my Computers in Education class
taken at Western Carolina University in the spring of 2003. It
has a lot of information that can be used throughout my teaching career.
This is a link to barnesandnoble.com it will help anyone trying to find
a book on a hard to find subject such as soil, I have found many books
about soil that can be used to enhance my lessons.
http://www.pbs.org PBS has a lot
of good information, not online on television but also online. It
has a lot of tv shows and videos that are aimed towards teaching
children. There are also resources on this web site that can help you
find information about the subject that you are looking for.
This is ARTTA's web site. It explains what ARTTA's purpose is and also
what we did while we were there and shows other units developed while
we were there by other groups.
This is Dr. Bob
Houghton's web site. He is the Computers in Education professor
at WCU, and his class helped me understand technology and how to build
web sites and just use technology in the classroom and in general.
Reflection: These web
sites have been very helpful, There
are links on my web sites that I have designed that help with other
aspects of technology or go to web sites that will be helpful in the
classroom during my units. Using technology to develop a unit
plan is a big difference than trying to think of lessons on your won,
there are so many ideas online that people have already thought of that
you could use for you classroom.
Introduction 10.0 Curriculum 11.0
Subject Specific Knowledge 12.0 Design
and Management of Learning Environments
13.0 Child
Development, Learning and Diversity 14.0 Social, Legal and
Ethical Issues Links