14.0 Social,
Legal, and Ethical Issues
Students must realize and plan
for issues involving social,
legal, and ethical issues in technology. This includes development of a
classroom Acceptable Users Policy (AUP) and teaching students about
copyright laws and regulations.
Reflection: As a teacher
it is my responsibility to teach
students about copyright laws and regulations that we have to
follow. Many students, especially in elementary grades, do not
know what a copyright law is and what it means to give credit to other
people for their work. Students also need to understand which websites
are credible and which are not, so that when they are doing research on
the internet they are safe and have reliable information.
Establish classroom
policies and procedures that ensure
compliance with copyright law, fair-use guidelines, security and child
Evidence / Artifact:
http://www.dpi.state.nc.us/copyright1.html - This is a
link to the North Carolina State Department of Instruction's website,
it has the copyright information that all teachers and students must
Copyright in an Electronic Environment
(Guidelines from Consortium of College & University Media
General Guidelines
-- Fair Use
Guidelines for Multimedia
General Guidelines
- Students may use portions of lawfully
acquired copyrighted works in their academic multimedia projects, with
proper credit and citations. They may retain them in personal
portfolios as examples of their academic work.
- Students and teachers must include on the
opening screen of their programs and on any printed materials that
their presentation has been prepared under fair use exemption of the
U.S. Copyright Law and are restricted from further use.
- Educators may claim fair use for their own
productions providing these productions are:
- For face-to-face curriculum-based
- Demonstrations of how to create
multimedia productions
- Presented at conferences (but you may
not share copies of the actual production)
- For remote instruction as long as the
distribution signal is limited
- Kept for only 2 years
- Fair use ends when the multimedia creator
loses control of his product's use, such as when it is accessed by
others over the Internet.
- Educators or students need not write for
permission if their presentation falls within the specific multimedia
fair use guidelines; however, "educators and students are advised to
note that if there is a possibility that their own educational
multimedia project incorporating copyrighted works under fair use could
later result in broader dissemination, whether or not as commercial
product, it is strongly recommended that they take steps to obtain
permissions during the development process for all copyrighted portions
rather than waiting until after completion of the project.
Fair Use Guidelines for Multimedia
Text -- Motion Media
-- Illustrations
-- Music
-- Internet
-- Numerical
Data Sets -- Copying and
Distribution Limitations -- Alteration
Limitations -- Multimedia
Presentations Citations -- Permission
- Up to 10% of a copyrighted work or 1000
words, whichever is less
- Poems
- Entire poem if less than 250 words
- 250 words or less if longer poem
- No more than 5 poems (or excerpts) of
different poets, from an anthology
- Only 3 poems (or excerpts) per poet
Motion Media
- Up to 10% of a copyrighted work or 3
minutes, whichever is less
- Clip cannot be altered in any way
- A photograph or illustration may be used
in its entirety
- No more than 5 images of an artist's or
photographer's work
- When using a collection, no more than 10%
or no more than 15 images, whichever is less
- Up to 10% of a copyrighted musical
composition, but no more than 30 seconds
- Up to 10% of a body of sound recording,
but no more than 30 seconds
- Any alterations cannot change the basic
melody or the fundamental character of the work
- Internet resources often combine both
copyrighted and public domain sites; therefore care should be used in
downloading any sites for use in multimedia presentations.
- Until further clarification, educators and
students are advised to write for permission to use Internet resources
and to be mindful of the copyright ramifications of including embedded
additional links to that particular site.
Numerical Data Sets
- Up to 10% or 2500 fields or cell entries,
whichever is less, from a copyrighted database or data table
- A field entry is defined as a specific
item of information (e.g. name, Social Security number) in a record of
a database file.
- A cell entry is defined as the
intersection where a row and a column meet on a spreadsheet
Copying and Distribution Limitations
- Do not post multimedia projects claiming
fair use exemption on an unsecured web site
- No more than 2 copies of the original
production may be made
- Only 1 may be placed on reserve for others
to use for instructional purposes
- An additional copy may be made for
preservation purposes, but may be used or copied only to replace a use
copy that has been lost, damaged, or stolen
- If more than one person has created the
multimedia presentation, each principal creator may retain only one copy
Alteration Limitations
- Multimedia selections falling within the
above guidelines may be altered to illustrate a specific technique or
to support a specific instructional objective
- Notation of the alteration should be
documented within the presentation itself
Multimedia Presentations Citations
- Educators and students must credit
sources, giving full bibliographic information when available.
- Educators and students must display the
copyright notice and copyright ownership information if this is shown
in the original source.
- Copyright information for images may be
shown in a separate bibliographic section unless the presentation is
being used for distance learning. In this case, the information must be
incorporated within the image itself (i.e. it must appear on the screen
when the image is viewed).
Permission Requirements
- For multimedia projects used for
non-educational or commercial purposes
- For duplication or distribution of
multimedia projects beyond limitations outlined above
Information Technology Evaluation
Services, Public Schools of North Carolina, 1997
Reflection: It is my
responsbility to educate students
on copyright laws and how they are able to use information from the
internet or any type of electronic or technological information as a
presentation or project. With NC DPI's website I will be able to
show the students exactly where this information comes from if
necessary and I will also be able to provide this information to
parents that may have questions.
Ensure equal access to
media and technology resources for
all students
Evidence / Artifact:
For any research project or any project requiring technology or
media that is not readily available at all homes, I will allow students
to do their work as a class so that the students will all have equal
access to the same resources. Many students do not have a
computer at home or internet access, so this will ensure that all
students have equal access to the same resources and the opportunity to
ask for help from the teachers or technology person at the school.
Reflection: I understand
that all students do not have the
same access to media and technology resources, and I want all of my
students to succeed in whatever they do, so if I assign anything that
requires research or using technology, such as a power point lesson
that I am going to be doing with my soil unit, the students will all be
able to work on this in class.
Social, legal, and ethical
issues related to technology use
(Demonstrate knowledge and integration of network security and
Acceptable Use Policy into teaching).
Evidence / Artifact:
- This is a website that teaches people how to use proper
netiquette when using the internet. I think it is very important
for teachers to know these rules and for them to teach their students
the proper ways to act when using the internet.
Reflection: Students need
to understand that there are
social, legal and ethical issues related to technology use. Not
only do teachers have to use the Acceptable Use Policy, but we need to
teach students that there are issues related to technology use.
Introduction 10.0 Curriculum 11.0 Subject Specific Knowledge
Design and Management of Learning Environments
13.0 Child
Development, Learning and Diversity 14.0
Social, Legal and Ethical Issues Links